Posted in Pets, Puppies, Shih Tzu


Is your dog miserable, with spots, open sores, dry skin or allergies?

Firstly, I would advise you to contact your veterinarian.

Secondly, I would suggest that you use a good quality dog food – one without grains or potato.  Wheat, corn, soy, and white potato are horrible for dogs – dog food companies use them as filler and you’ll notice they are, generally, the top 5 ingredients listed (this means there are MORE of them than anything else in the dog food).  Sweet potato and yams are better for dogs than white potato.  The glycemic index for a white potato is 111, a sweet potato is 70 and a yam is 54.  The glycemic index is higher because of the amount of starch.  As we all know, starch turns to sugar – therefore anything with potato or potato flour added to it, is equivalent to adding sugar to their dog food – they don’t need it and it’s very bad for them.   There are several kinds of dog food out there that are grain and potato free that are affordable.  The brand I use is:  Pioneer Naturals –  Grain and Potato Free – Chicken.   It’s low sugar, low salt, loaded with antioxidants, no added filler-flavors-soy or coloring, & it is saturated with freeze dried nutritional ingredients.  Freeze drying maintains maintains the taste, nutrients, and composition of the food.  This is why the space program uses it …also for the obvious less weight and less storage space needed.  Cooking and baking, depletes nutrient value.
This dog food has one more bonus… it’s made in the U.S.A!

Thirdly, another good thing for your dog is to add a small amount of olive oil to their food each day.  It’s beneficial for several reasons:  (please see these links for further information)

I’ve done all of the above for my dog and so far with beneficial results. 

Before making any changes to their diet, please consult with your dogs veterinarian. Some things could be dependent upon their age, size and breed.



Badja "The Duke"
Badja “The Duke”
Posted in Pets, Puppies, Shih Tzu


Dogs Naturally!!

If you’re a dog owner and you want to keep things as simple & natural as possible, this ‘magazine’ offers a lot of information.  They have a physical copy magazine & they also offer an email newsletter.  The newsletter is free, the physical copy &/or digital webazine (for iPad & etc) each charge a subscription fee. Currently, I receive only the newsletter & read the ever changing website.  Here is a link where you can view all options available:
The website offers a lot of good info.  I caution :  although I enjoy reading this information and learning from it, some of the suggestions, are things I know little about.  I think it’s great information, but as with anything,  use your own judgement and consult with a trusted veterinarian before beginning any new regime, whether food, holistic treatments, medication, exercise, or etc.  Then make your own choice as to whether it benefits you & your pet(s).
The site brings awareness concerning available options.  Owning a pet doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  They also highlight ‘scams’ aimed at pet owners who are bilked into pricey ‘ideals’ that  don’t pan out for said pet owner.  Yes…. some fall for it – being informed will aid in not becoming one who does.  SCAMS?!  Whats that you say?  YES…. in the pet industry there are zillions of them!  Pet Owner Beware!
The also have contests to enter, don’t worry, they don’t trade, sell or give away your email address:   Here is a link to one going on just now (only till the 30th of September tho)  – IMO think its a good one, if you’re interested in entering, I’ve provided the link: .

Since my last entry on Badja….. I mentioned the search for a new groomer.  Well…. I FOUND ONE.  Prior to booking with her, I phoned to talk with her about the bad previous experience he was put through,  she was nearly as affected by hearing it as I was in going through it with Badja.  She sounded genuine, she was very kind and so I made the appointment.  I’ve taken him and the experience was painless and he looked great.  She took her time with him to find his tolerance levels after a bad experience, & he was fine.  He’s not vicious or mean in the least, but often after a bad experience, they are more acutely aware of whats going on with them.  He was a gem!  

My little boy is growing up, September 20th marked his 6 month birthday.  Wow, I’ve had him since he was 7 weeks old!  Hard to believe it’s been that long.  I wouldn’t trade him for the world, I am absolutely crazy about this lil guy, he’s my ‘baby’ & I think he is just the ‘bee’s knees’ !

Keep the feedback coming…. thank you for reading…… until next time….. hug yer pet!   Vin ! 

Badja Orbison?  :-)
Badja Orbison? 🙂

Happy 6 Month Birthday Badja!!!!
Happy 6 Month Birthday Badja!!!!
Badja's Teef Pic
Badja 6 months old….showing off his front ‘ teef ‘ 🙂
Posted in Pets, Puppies, Shih Tzu

Vinvilles “Mayor” Badja

After some time away from “Vinville” I’m back with a few updates.

The newest member in my family,  Badja – my Shih Tzu puppy,  has taken up residence not only in my home, but in my heart!  He is a terrific dog and has kept me BUSY!!!!   🙂   But I wouldn’t trade him for the world.

I’ve referred to him as  “Mayor” above, as he thinks he’s the one ‘in charge’.  I allow him to think that, as it’s only a part time job, the REST of the time, “MOM” is the boss, he however, is still figuring that out!  🙂

Nahhh…. the bow has to GO!

One hurdle of puppy ownership is finding a good groomer, this is a daunting task.  There are a LOT of issues in finding the right one for you.  For me, cleanliness, attitude, and ability are very important, (not necessarily in that order).   After a couple of grooms, the first one very positive & the 2nd, nothing short of a disaster – my search continues!   I’ve posted a few pics here updating from the early one, above is after his first haircut and although I thought the bow would be ‘cute’…. I’ve found out it’s never a good idea to ‘bow’ a male dog!  Ohhhh what flack I got for that!!  🙂  So…. the bow disappeared.

Badj looking sooooo proud!

During his 2nd haircut, groomer was running late, so I arrived in time to ‘watch’ and quietly photograph him.  He’s such a good boy during his grooming – but he hates the bath bit….. hates em!  He’ll learn to adjust!  🙂

Badja “DUKE”

Here he is looking all “John Wayne” after his 2nd haircut.  What ya can’t see are the burns from the razor, actual burns from the blades becoming hot after rubbing against the metal plating.  Several areas were burnt badly and required treatment for days.  So although he looks gorgeous, if going thru the process inflicts pain and fear, it’s not worth it.  (Notice: bandana replaces the dreaded bow!)

Posted in Puppies


Lil Badja

If you are considering a new puppy, but don’t want “Gargantua” living with you – you might want to consider a “Shih Tzu” breed(pronounced “She Zoo”).
I make this recommendation based on the fact that I HAVE recently done so.  I absolutely LOVE this little guy.  They are really intelligent dogs! (Just don’t remind them they are ‘dogs’).  Like every breed out there, mutts included, you’ll hear pros and cons about what issues they all have or don’t have.  Don’t listen to or believe everything all the self proclaimed experts tell you – often,  even breeders are misinformed.  It’s best to speak with a vet you know and trust for the best advice and treatment(s) for your dog.